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Potential Barriers and Key Considerations in Implementing AI-Based Threat Response Systems

By: ProtectCyber

Posted on: 29/08/2023

The use of artificial intelligence in cybersecurity continues to grow. It’s projected that by 2028, AI in cybersecurity will have a market size valued at USD 60.6 billion, indicating a CAGR of 21.9%. By leveraging AI-based systems for enhanced cybersecurity, organisations can access advanced capabilities such as predictive analysis, real-time threat detection, advanced malware detection, automation and more robust network security and management. However, while AI is being used to bolster cybersecurity systems and efforts, there are still challenges to its implementation.

Common Challenges in Implementation

AI and related technologies, such as machine learning, are being used by cybersecurity professionals to enhance their cybersecurity measures. However, given that AI is a complex technology that’s constantly evolving, it has its fair share of drawbacks. For instance, while it can be used for good, it can also be used by cybercriminals themselves. Hackers can use AI to penetrate defences and create sophisticated malware that can evade advanced detection. Moreover, cybercriminals can target the data used to train AI models and orchestrate attacks that bypass AI-based systems.

Other common challenges and risks that hamper the implementation of AI-based threat response systems include:

Data Quality and Availability

The process of collecting, clustering and analysing data is increasingly becoming more complex, given that there is a significant increase in the amount of unstructured data being gathered from various sources, such as mobile devices and social media. According to a McKinsey report, it’s possible that because of this complexity, organisations may inadvertently disclose sensitive information in their anonymised data. Furthermore, because AI models are trained using datasets, organisations must have access to a diverse range of high-quality data to ensure that their AI systems are capable of producing more accurate results. The effectiveness of an organisation’s AI-based security system largely depends on the quality of training data they’re using.

Algorithm Bias and Fairness

It’s possible for AI systems to make biased decisions. This may be due to the data or algorithm used. For instance, if an organisation is using datasets with incomplete or biased information, this can lead to biases. In turn, this may result in inaccurate results such as false positives that prevent legitimate users from accessing their organisation’s internal systems.


Because implementing such systems comes at a significant cost, this also poses a challenge in scalability. Not all companies have the budget or the bandwidth to fully integrate AI systems into their cybersecurity measures.

Need for Human Oversight

AI systems can potentially make their own decisions, even without human intervention. However, an AI system may not be able to accurately assess the risks and potential consequences of its actions, which is why it’s important for organisations planning to use such systems to still have human involvement.

High Investment Costs

Implementing AI in cybersecurity may entail a costly investment. Such systems need to be built and maintained and will thus require expenditure. This also applies to the models used to train AI. While costs may be higher compared to traditional cybersecurity systems, components such as training models are vital so that organisations can have access to a more reliable AI-based cybersecurity system.

Key Considerations

Given the abovementioned challenges in implementing AI-based threat response systems, what strategies can organisations adopt to ensure that they’re effectively and ethically deploying such systems? Below are some key considerations that organisations can implement.

Develop Regulatory Frameworks

An organisation must develop and implement regulatory frameworks to ensure that its AI-based security system is used responsibly. Having a regulatory framework can also help mitigate the risks of AI being used for malicious purposes. Furthermore, organisations need to be aware of ethical guidelines and best practices.


Organisations should work towards developing AI systems that are capable of providing clear explanations for the actions or decisions they’re making. Doing so can help bolster the transparency of such systems and allow cybersecurity professionals to analyse the output and look for potential aberrations or cases of misuse.

Ethical Implications

Ethical concerns, such as the potential for bias and using AI for malicious purposes, as well as the ethical implications of using AI systems, should be carefully considered by organisations. Therefore, organisations must work towards creating or implementing AI-based systems that are fair and unbiased. They should also take measures towards ensuring that privacy will not be violated by such systems.

Data Quality

For an AI-based system to be effective, it needs to have access to good-quality data. This means providing AI models with clean, complete and well-annotated datasets for training.

Integration with Existing Systems

It’s also important for organisations to consider their current systems, tech stacks and processes and how their AI solutions will integrate with such components.

Maintenance and Monitoring

Regular maintenance of AI systems helps ensure that they’re updated and run smoothly. Therefore, organisations must think about how they’ll implement regular maintenance and updates to their systems. Furthermore, it’s important that such systems are constantly being monitored to make sure that they’re performing according to standards. This also helps organisations address any issues that arise quickly and effectively.

AI-Based Threat Response Systems: A Potentially Powerful Solution

With cyberattacks becoming more sophisticated, it’s crucial for organisations to stay on top of such threats. Leveraging AI-based threat response systems enables them to harness the capabilities of AI, allowing them to respond to threats in real time and more effectively, as well as minimise instances of human error. While it’s unlikely that AI will fully replace cybersecurity professionals, it can be used to step up efforts to protect individuals and organisations from current and emerging threats.

About the author

ProtectCyber is a leading Australian cyber security firm dedicated to safeguarding businesses and individuals from digital threats. Our expert team, with decades of combined experience in the field, provides insights and practical advice on staying secure in an increasingly connected world. Learn more about our mission and team on our
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